Ready to Learn the Little-Known AI Secrets Used to Grow 7-Figure Businesses in Hours?

Join The World’s #1 Business Mentors, Kane & Alessia Minkus (Trained More Than 3 Million Professionals Over 20 Years), for a FREE 1-Day in person Event and Walk Away With a Step-by-Step Blueprint on How to Use AI To Launch, Grow and Automate a Business or Income Stream to Seven Figures.



Radisson Blu Royal Viking Hotel | Vasagatan 1, 111 20 Stockholm, Sweden
event starts at 9:00 until 17:00 (approximately)

Whether you're starting a business, aiming to boost your income, or already an experienced entrepreneur, learn to harness little-known AI tools, prompts, and skills to achieve your goals. Increase your earnings, enhance productivity, or build a highly successful business—all without needing any technical skills or prior experience.



Join us for a comprehensive and 100% FREE Summit featuring leading Silicon Valley advisors, recognized globally as top authorities in technology and AI for driving profit. All you need is the desire to launch or grow your income, business, or revenue. No prior AI knowledge or experience required.

At this summit, we'll guide you through every step. Plus, just for attending, you'll receive a free gift of 10 essential tools designed to make you more productive and save you one day a week.

Don't miss this opportunity to transform your financial future.

Kane and Alessia taught AI technologies at my private home in Necker island while I took lots of notes! The crowd was fascinated!


Businessman, Investor and Founder of Virgin Group

Imagine Being Able to Hit Fast-Forward on Your Productivity, Growth, Revenue and Income…

...While Investing LESS Time, Energy & Resources

Dear Ambitious Entrepreneur.

Imagine knowing that Netflix would be the next big disruptor before it happened. That digital cameras would completely change our way of life. Or that Apple would become the world’s #1 brand before they rose to the top.

AI offers the same industry-shaking potential… but only for those with the skills, knowledge and foresight to get in on the ground floor.

Right now, you have a desire to grow your income or automate a highly profitable business. You have a vision to create something successful, meaningful and long-lasting that provides total freedom for you and your family while impacting millions worldwide.

But a lack of AI knowledge and experience can leave you spending hours, weeks, or months trying to crack an impossible code. Right now, your competitors are using AI to skyrocket their productivity, turn their businesses into cash printing machines, and build the dream business (and life) you want for yourself.

If you’ve got a burning desire to create more financial and time freedom, here’s the truth…

You Either Get In The Game NOW Or Stay On The Sidelines Permanently

AI is the future of entrepreneurship.

It’s NOT a fad.

It’s NOT on the horizon.

AI is completely changing the landscape of how the "every day" Entrepreneur can compete with the biggest brands and companies for the first time in history! It has totally changed the game for professionals, entrepreneurs and business owners.

If you have not already mastered integrating these tools into your business, career and life you are now late to the game. You need to catch up IMMEDIATELY and MASTER AI tools to avoid being left behind. Your competitors are already using these tools to get ahead and every forward-thinking professional (and organization) in the world is racing to implement AI tools into their workflow.

This FREE 1-Day AI UNLEASHED™ SUMMIT (which has already been attended by world renowned business Entrepreneurs and over 300K professionals in just the last year) is designed to fast-track your knowledge, focus and abilities, so you can master AI and launch, grow and run a business with a seven figure income stream… in just hours.

This is your chance to get in on AI and start towards mastery so you don’t miss out. We’ve waived all fees and covered the cost of your ticket. All we ask is that you take action NOW and give yourself the business (and life) you deserve.

If you want to use AI to grow a business and make money, but don’t know how to get started, join us to discover how to 20X your productivity, create a 7-figure revenue stream that gives you total financial freedom & go from total AI beginner to AI Assisted™ entrepreneur in hours.


Kane and Alessia crushed it on my stage at Business mastery and set the Audience on fire with how to use AI tech to launch and grow their businesses! We even asked them to make a special product for our Business Mastery bundle!


The World’s Leading Transformational Coach

Here’s Exactly What You’ll Learn at The AI Unleashed Summit

Exclusive AI lead gen strategy

How AI Tools work to help you generate high qualified leads and book more meetings

Learn everything you need to know about AI Led Gen tools.

  • Outreach and Nurture: Learn how bots are being used to create personalized outreach and nurture relationships with potential clients.

  • Pre-Qualification and Appointment Booking: Discover how bots can help you pre-qualify the right prospects, ensuring you’re only engaging with the most relevant leads.

  • AI Technologies for a World-Class Experience: Explore specific AI technologies that provide a world-class human experience for customer service and lead generation.


Top AI Tools To 20x Your Productivity and Give You Total Time Freedom

Find out how to pass your time-consuming tasks to AI while you focus on the things that matter.

  • Discover AI tools to increase your productivity and save a huge amount of time each week.

  • Step-by-step walkthrough on how to automate parts of your business with AI.

  • Exactly how to get more done in less time with BIGGER and BETTER results.

Exclusive AI content strategy

Utilize AI tools to rapidly create large volumes of content that build your brand and effectively educate your audience.

  • Discover the best AI tools for creating top-tier content.

  • Explore specific video and audio strategies for quickly producing compelling social media content.

  • Learn how to create podcasts, audiobooks, and more to engage your audience across multiple platforms.

Exclusive AI LAUNCH strategy

How To Launch, Grow and Scale A Business to 7-Figures with AI Tools

Leverage AI tools to quickly launch new products, businesses, and ideas.

  • Discover effective prompts that can guide you in identifying the right ideas for the marketplace.

  • Learn about powerful AI tools that aid in research and ensure your product or service is positioned correctly for the target market.

  • Utilize AI tools to swiftly design compelling offers and price them appropriately.

Exclusive AI product development strategy

Learn to use AI technologies for rapidly launching digital courses, books, and high ticket services.

Develop products that meet market needs and exceed customer expectations.

  • Leverage AI technologies to rapidly launch digital courses, books, and high-ticket services.

  • Explore the world’s only AI-driven pipeline that seamlessly transforms concepts into fully deployed digital courses.

  • Master specific AI tools designed for creating long-form content, including books, speeches, e-books, and landing pages.

  • Master specific AI tools designed for creating long-form content, including books, speeches, e-books, and landing pages.

  • Utilize AI technologies to efficiently develop and expand your product catalogs, accelerating your productization process like never before.

Exclusive AI marketing funnel strategy

Learn how to quickly build marketing funnels in minutes, optimize your ads and funnels for higher conversion rates using AI tools.

Create high-converting websites and social media ads that deliver exceptional results.

  • Automate Funnel Creation: Use AI-powered tools to swiftly design and deploy effective marketing funnels tailored to your audience's needs, without needing extensive technical skills.

  • Optimize Ad Performance: Leverage AI-driven analytics to continually test and refine your ads, ensuring higher engagement and conversion rates with minimal effort.

  • Efficient Website and Ad Design: Implement AI tools that provide templates, design suggestions, and copywriting assistance to create visually appealing websites and compelling social media ads that drive conversions.

automating time-consuming activities

Master the art of using workflows to free up your time and handle repetitive administrative duties.

Streamline Your Essential Tasks with Automation

  • Automate Email Responses: Learn how AI can manage and respond to your emails efficiently, saving you hours every week.

  • Streamline Social Media Management: Discover how AI can engage with your program, forums, and social media posts on your behalf.

  • Handle Repetitive Tasks: Explore how AI can take care of other time-consuming, repetitive activities, allowing you to focus on more important work.

Exclusive strategy, personalisation

Enhance customer engagement by leveraging conversational AI tools.

Deliver a personalized experience for every customer, client, or partner who interacts with your brand.

  • Deploy AI-driven chatbots to tailor each interaction, ensuring a customized experience for every user.

  • Utilize video and audio tools to send personalized messages at scale, making every customer feel valued.

  • Automate responses and suggestions with AI-powered chatbots, offering instant, personalized support and recommendations.

  • Leverage machine learning algorithms to analyze customer data and refine personalization strategies continuously, improving the effectiveness of each interaction.

At our event, we focus on automating time-consuming activities and implementing effective strategies.

AI Education is critically important and I’m investing heavily into it. That’s why I have keynoted at Kane & Alessia’s AI events over the years. I urge you to educate yourself fully about the power of it.


Indian-American author, new age guru, and alternative medicine advocate

Plus, You’ll Get Exclusive and In-Depth Access To Topics Including:

  • The Secret AI Tools To Build a WORLD-CLASS Brand In No Time

  • 3 INCREDIBLE Ways You Can Make 7-Figures a Year With AI right now

  • Create Mind Blowing Content in 1 Hour That Normally Takes Weeks.

  • How to Easily Open up New Markets From Your Home Office.

  • Using AI Tools to Write Books, Blogs and Copy (Ethically and Quickly)

  • Generate Irresistible Hooks and Offers With AI (Like a Pro Copywriter)

  • How to Make Money Helping Others Implement AI (Become an AI consultant!)

  • How to use AI tools Ethically and as a force for Good in the world!

…And, To Ensure This 1-Day Summit Offers Insights and Strategies You Won’t Find ANYWHERE Else, You’ll Be Learning From One-Of-A-Kind Experts.

(Scroll on to meet your mentors!)

Meet The World Renowned, SIlicon Valley, Technology Trainers of the AI Unleashed Summit


Kane is renowned as one of the best business coaches in the world, having assisted entrepreneurs and investors in nearly every industry and niche. Kane's extensive knowledge and obsession with transformational technology & AI have led him to dedicate his time to researching new AI solutions before they become widely known. His commitment to AI has made him a sought-after faculty member for Tony Robbins' Business Mastery events, Richard Branson, Robert Kiyasoki, and dozens of other influential world leaders.

Kane is renowned as one of the best business coaches in the world, having assisted entrepreneurs and investors in nearly every industry and niche. Kane's extensive knowledge and obsession with transformational technology & AI have led him to dedicate his time to researching new AI solutions before they become widely known. His commitment to AI has made him a sought-after faculty member for Tony Robbins' Business Mastery events, Richard Branson, Robert Kiyasoki, and dozens of other influential world leaders.

Alessia is one of the most experienced entrepreneur coaches in the world, having personally advised thousands of female founders, setting them up with seven and eight-figure strategies. She is also a serial entrepreneur herself, having personally started and scaled up nine companies that have generated a total of over $180M in revenue. Over the last two decades as a business owner, she has faced every possible challenge and, through this, has a mission to create a world where female founders have the AI tools and knowledge they need to make a global impact.

We invested in Industry Rockstar and Kane & Alessia years ago, and toured the world together speaking and teaching. They are the top of the Mentors.


American businessman and author, known for the Rich Dad Poor Dad series of personal finance books

With over $500 million in revenue in their own companies combined, over $2B in value created for their clients and a staggering impact on 3 million business owners and entrepreneurs lives across the last two decades, Kane & Alessia are considered by top business leaders as the world’s #1 Business Mentors.

Their voices have resonated in 80 countries and captivated crowds as large as 20,000 attendees across 3,000+ live presentations. Speaking in stadiums regularly with world-renowned celebrities and thought leaders, they have shared platforms, advised and/or collaborated with luminaries and industry leaders such as Sir Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Bill Clinton, Vishen Lakhiani, Lisa Nichols, Tony Blair, Lord Alan Sugar, Les Brown, Deepak Chopra, Brian Tracy, Robert Kiyosaki, John Maxwell, Kevin Harrington (Shark Tank®) and many more for over two decades.

Kane and Alessia are the World's Leading Business Technology Growth Mentors.

Kane and Alessia have one of the most exciting programs for Entrepreneurs I’ve event seen. The results they get are incredible, I’ve toured with Kane & Alessia globally and I recommend you spend a lot of time with them as they REALLY know their stuff!


Original Shark of Shark Tank, creator of the Infomercial


LIVE 1-Day Training

Learn little-known AI secrets from the World’s #1 Business Technology Mentors.

You’re One Step Away From Joining The FREE

in person Summit That Reveals:

Kane & Alessia are unlike any other Mentors globally. I have worked with them for years and toured the world with them teaching.

They are always recognized as the top Business Growth Mentors and they are carving innovative pathways in unique ways.


One of the world's most renowned motivational speakers

Who It's For The Free 1-Day AI Unleashed Summit...

  • Whether you're an expert, an entrepreneur, a leader, or simply someone looking to make money, this is for you.

  • If you're a business opportunist, a professional aiming to boost productivity, seeking to future-proof your income.

  • An affiliate marketer, or planning to run an agency, this opportunity is tailored to your needs.

  • You are fired up, excited about the potential of AI and ready to unleash the latest tools to get ahead and STAY AHEAD of your competition.

  • For Leaders: Gain valuable insights on integrating AI into your organization's strategy to drive growth and improve decision-making.

  • Strategic Insights: Gain valuable insights on integrating AI into your organization's strategy to drive growth and improve decision-making.

  • You want to build a bullet-proof bank of AI tools to help run the most productive, profitable and enjoyable business possible.

  • You want to drive predictable lead generation knowing your marketing, social media, messaging and branding are all funneling prospects.


Why Are We Sharing This Training With You for FREE?

Because we understand how frustrating it can be to picture the business (and lifestyle) you crave but be stuck doing everything yourself, feeling exhausted and unable to live the life you want.

When we first started our very first companies at 19 years old, we sought the help of great mentors, which made a massive difference in helping us leap into a world of success beyond our wildest imagination.

Like you, we had an ambitious vision of where we wanted to go but lacked the knowledge and resources to turn our dreams into reality. As entrepreneurs who have used AI to build over forty multi-million dollar businesses of our own, and having taught over 300,000 professionals this year alone on how to use AI, we know these AI tools and strategies work.

The truth is that AI has the potential to transform your business if you know where, when and how to get started. The only obstacle for 1000s of hardworking business owners like you is a lack of knowledge… and we want to change that.

This is your invitation to unleash the power of AI in your business and finally wake up to the business success you’re capable of.


Hear What Summit Attendees Are Saying

Frequently Asked Questions


What are The Times and Dates?

The EVENT will be on the 2nd of September 2024.

Venue: Radisson Blu Royal Viking Hotel | Vasagatan 1, 111 20 Stockholm, Sweden

The AI Unleashed Summit will start at 9:00 and end around 17:00 (approximately).


Is The 1-Day AI Unleashed Summit Really Free?

Yes. The only investment required is a serious commitment to discover little-known AI tools and the skills to use them to automate your business and build a seven or eight-figure business that supports your mission and life.


How Long Does The AI Unleashed Summit Go For?

We recommend allocating the whole day so you’re not distracted. The Summit is packed with interactive learning and strategies for over 6 hours with time allocated for breaks.


Can I Miss Certain Sections and Attend When I’m Free?

We highly recommend you attend the whole event as this will transform your business and we don’t want you to miss out on valuable tools or knowledge to build your dream business (and life).


Do I Need Any Experience With AI?

No. You’ll benefit from our training no matter what level of AI experience you have. This training is tailored for entrepreneurs and business owners in ALL niches and industries. If you sell a product or service, this training is perfect for you.


Do I Need To Be Tech-Savvy?

No. This event is based around how to use AI as a tool to create assets, increase productivity and save time. We’ll show you how to implement AI tools in your business even if you’ve never used an AI tool before.


I’m Just Starting Out, Is This Training Still For Me?

Yes. About 50% of our students are just starting something or looking for opportunities to use technology and AI tools to make money and launch something brand new, and about 50% are already in businesses that are selling something in the marketplace. If you are a coach, consultant, expert, contractor, speaker, digital course creator or someone interested in having a business that can generate money online using cutting edge tech tools, or if you are a practitioner or agency looking to expand your business - this summit will be amazing for you!


What are The Times and Dates?

The training is LIVE, IN PERSON and held in the cities listed on this page.

2nd of September 2024

Venue: Radisson Blu Royal Viking Hotel | Vasagatan 1, 111 20 Stockholm, Sweden

The AI Unleashed Summit will start at 09:00

and complete around 17:00 (approx).


Is The 1-Day AI Unleashed Summit Really Free?

Yes. The only investment required is a serious commitment to discover little-known AI tools and the skills to use them to automate your business and build a seven or eight-figure business that supports your mission and life.


How Long Does The AI Unleashed Summit Go For?

We recommend allocating the whole day so you’re not distracted. The Summit is packed with interactive learning and strategies for over 6 hours with time allocated for breaks.


Will The AI Unleashed Summit Be Recorded?

No. This is an exclusive LIVE event available once and once only.


Can I Miss Certain Sections and Attend When I’m Free?

We highly recommend you attend the whole event as this will transform your business and we don’t want you to miss out on valuable tools or knowledge to build your dream business (and life).


Do I Need Any Experience With AI?

No. You’ll benefit from our training no matter what level of AI experience you have. This training is tailored for entrepreneurs and business owners in ALL niches and industries. If you sell a product or service, this training is perfect for you.


Do I Need To Be Tech-Savvy?

No. This event is based around how to use AI as a tool to create assets, increase productivity and save time. We’ll show you how to implement AI tools in your business even if you’ve never used an AI tool before.


I’m Just Starting Out, Is This Training Still For Me?

Yes. About 50% of our students are just starting something or looking for opportunities to use technology and AI tools to make money and launch something brand new, and about 50% are already in businesses that are selling something in the marketplace. If you are a coach, consultant, expert, contractor, speaker, digital course creator or someone interested in having a business that can generate money online using cutting edge tech tools, or if you are a practitioner or agency looking to expand your business - this summit will be amazing for you!

Are You Ready to Become a

Future-Ready Entrepreneur?

Right now, you have two choices…

Option #1

Stay Where You Are

Keep daydreaming about the future but stay stuck in your current reality. Everything remains the same - your revenue, your busy schedule, your endless responsibilities - with a ceiling on the life you could be living if you knew how to discover and use AI tools to create a seven or eight-figure business.

Option #2

Become Future-Ready

Follow in the footsteps of thousands of entrepreneurs using Kane and Alessia’s proven AI tools and knowledge to unlock hundreds of hours of free time and generate millions of dollars. With just one free Summit, you can finally see the proven roadmap to the business and life you want.

Every so often I come across really exceptional leaders in this field of educating and inspiring and transforming lives.

Their names are Kane & Alessia Minkus. They, like myself, have been dedicated for many years to studying and researching what makes people magnificent.


Human Behavior Expert, Star of the movie, 'The Secret'

AI isn’t coming. It’s here.

If you haven’t already mastered it and implemented it, you are late!

Get caught up in 1 day with expert training from two of the best Business Trainers on the planet!

With the free AI Unleashed 1-day Summit, you can learn how to use AI tools to transform your business and unlock never-before-seen productivity while freeing up precious time, with zero tech skills or experience required.

You decide whether you’ll unlock the AI advantage or watch on as your competition does. So, which option will it be?